$mart Ace, Life Lessons for Young People Taught over a Poker Table: This book teaches valuable life lessons through the setup of a card game. No prior knowledge is necessary. Using examples from the p...
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$mart Ace, Life Lessons for Young People Taught over a Poker Table: This book teaches valuable life lessons through the setup of a card game. No prior knowledge is necessary. Using examples from the p...
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Why use poker as a storytelling tool? Because Luke likes it, and he's the author. Really, though, similar tales could be told through most competitive sports or even workplaces (but that's no fun).
If there's a young(ish) person in your life, sixteen to thirty, here's an easy read, but meant to get the reader thinking about common mistakes they'd regret later. A pronounced book of wisdom for his daughter, this is more like a book to the author's younger self that could be useful to anyone, regardless of age. If they like poker, even better!