One theme that echoes throughout this book is that God had beenpreparing me for a personal encounter with Him. I recountedhow things were during my childhood years. Through a series ofcircumstances, He set the stage and laid the foundation so He canin the future shape me into whatever form He wishes. In almostall of these testimonies, it's clear that He (El Shaddai) wanted meto understand what I can be through Him. He guided me throughendless crucibles, all for the purpose of allowing me to see Hisgreatness and His ability to transform my life. This book helpsto unveil the secret of the inner man, that carnal nature that is inconstant battle with the desire in you to do good. It explains that itis absolutely possible to win the battle between good and evil. Thelast chapter was very challenging to share because it exposes theweaknesses that we sometimes choose to deny. This book bringsyou face to face with your stubbornness and with one of the mostdestructive traits lurking within--it's called pride. You will besurprised to discover how deeply it has embedded itself in yourconsciousness, but you can get victory when you take action todeliberately surrender to God. You will discover perhaps for thefirst time that empowerment comes with surrendering. I wish youa life-changing experience as you share in this blessing.