Through the Eyes of My Mother and Me

Rhonda S. Fenske and Bobbie F. Whitaker


"It's more than a story to me; it's an opportunity to testify of God's powerful hand in my life. "It's the untold story of a parent's child living with a rare cholestatic liver disease called Alagille...
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"It's more than a story to me; it's an opportunity to testify of God's powerful hand in my life.

"It's the untold story of a parent's child living with a rare cholestatic liver disease called Alagille syndrome and how the sovereignty of the Lord saw them through it all. The story is about me, how I grew up living with a rare cholestatic liver disease, and all the obstacles my mother and I faced throughout this journey. It is especially important to me that I share my story because I want to let those who are going through a trial such as mine know that they are not alone.

As you venture through my story, you will see that the Lord carries my mother and me throughout these trying times and see how He strategically places people in our path.

It is the sovereignty of the Lord that helps us get through. It is my hope for those who are going through any health issues that they too can have the sovereignty of the Lord to help them and can use these times to also draw closer to having a personal relationship with Him.

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